The Elephant Man: The Secret to a Full Life

“I’m happy everyday, and my life is full, because I’m loved.” 

I remember reading this stage play when I was in college. My theater/film professor gave me a list of plays to read and this was one of his favorites. It’s easy to see why. It’s a story that highlights the power of unconditional love. John Merrick is unloved because people view him on the outside and are repulsed by him. But when a doctor comes and shows him utmost care it changes his life.

I see so many biblical parallels in this film. Jesus is called the great physician aka the great doctor. And He also is one who loves people unconditionally. It’s in His love you can find fullness and joy. The quote above is the kind joy a person can have when their loved. No matter who you are or what you look like, unconditional love is what can be life changing and lead to fulfillment.

Joey Katches